Page 1597 - Week 06 - Thursday, 3 May 1990

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restructuring. I refer Mr Kaine to his answer to a question from Mr Connolly on 1 May 1990. Does he still retain full confidence in his deputy, given the state of confusion that now exists because of his deputy's ineptitude over court restructuring?

MR KAINE: I always admire the members of the Opposition, Mr Speaker, for the sting that they put into their questions. They do not seem to be able to ask a straight question. There is always an implication of some lack of character or competence or something in the questions that they ask.

Ms Follett: Just answer the question.

MR KAINE: You asked the question. Let me answer it. Mr Speaker, of course the Attorney-General retains my confidence. The Attorney-General properly proposed for public discussion, comment and input the question that when the transition of the courts to the ACT Government takes place later this year they should be restructured. What he had in mind was a different system of courts below the level of the Supreme Court so that there would be, as I understand it, a series of jurisdictions which would take matters of particular concern in various categories, and this would replace the system of magistrates and the Magistrates Court.

The proposal was, in my view, a reasonable one because it was aimed at providing a court system that could handle the workload that exists, that could recognise the importance of the various jurisdictions - - -

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker - - -

Mr Collaery: You don't like the answer now.

Mr Berry:: It is not answering the question. I will just run through the points of the question. What action has been - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Chief Minister, do you require the question to be put again?

MR KAINE: Who asked this question, Mr Speaker?

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed, Chief Minister.

Mr Berry: It is a point, but just stick to the question that was asked.

MR KAINE: I am answering the question.

Mr Jensen: Are you taking over the Speaker's role, Mr Berry?

MR KAINE: He is also taking over the role of the Leader of the Opposition, who apparently cannot ask her own questions. He has to take over asking the questions.

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