Page 1581 - Week 06 - Thursday, 3 May 1990

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Mrs Grassby: Well, you cannot. Your big business friends would not let you do that.

MR COLLAERY: It prevents a whole range of planning options. Mr Deputy Speaker, they talk about big business. There is more big business in ALP Inc. in this country than there is ever likely to be in an Alliance Government of our nature.

We have stolen the ground from under you. We have got the social justice program, the social equity program, that you will never get because your whole party has gone astray.

Mr Berry: On a point of order; there is a bit of digression again. I suppose I could just discuss this point of order until his time runs out anyway, so it is irrelevant.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I think Mr Collaery had finished.

MRS GRASSBY: I claim to have been misrepresented. As usual, Mr Collaery does not read anything. I do not think he is able to. I have the press release that he referred to in my hands and I would like to read exactly what was said:

Although the ACT has not yet signed the agreement it will be - - -

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I am stopping you there, Mrs Grassby; you are making a personal explanation.

MRS GRASSBY: Well, this is the part where I was misrepresented. I did not say that you were not going to sign it. I said, "It will be backdated to 1 July 1989, therefore any funds arising from the sale of public housing will have to be reinvested into public housing" - nothing about you not signing it. I would like to table that, Mr Deputy Speaker.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: You need to seek leave.

MRS GRASSBY: I seek leave to table the following paper:

Privatisation of public housing - media release by Mrs Grassby, dated 20 December 1989.

Leave granted.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Leave granted to dispense with the detail stage.

Bill agreed to.

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