Page 1549 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 2 May 1990

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a financial evaluation of the community policing program currently being undertaken by the AFP as part of its normal management review; and, further, that Commonwealth and ACT governments will complete negotiations on a financial agreement once the costing work has been finalised. I stress that; we cannot finalise an agreement until the costing work has been finalised. That has been extraordinarily complex. If you were to see the ream of papers supporting the Commonwealth saying where it derived its $42m bill from, you would understand what I am speaking of.

I intend to fully brief members of the Assembly on these matters and also to ensure that the industrial relations aspects of these matters are handled carefully and prudently, particularly issues surrounding police superannuation which, from the Treasury point of view, in terms of takeover and cost to the community, may be to the detriment of other services in the community. Finally, I welcome the chance to say that to this particular area the Alliance Government is giving a great deal of interest and emphasis.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! Mr Collaery, will you pass to the Clerk the papers that you propose to table, please.

Mr Berry: I would like to raise a point of order, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker. In relation to standing order 54, Mr Collaery, in referring to the parliamentary practice of not mentioning the judiciary, went on to mention the good judge, but in particular he describes some remarks of the good judge as rambling remarks. I think both the reference to the judge and the reference to the judge's remarks in that form should be withdrawn.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I do not believe I heard that term used by Mr Collaery. I believe also that Mr Collaery referred to practice in the House of Representatives in relation to discussions of the judiciary. I am not aware of any use of the term "rambling" by Mr Collaery during his speech. I suggest that you misheard that.

Mr Moore: On a point of order, Mr Speaker; this refers to standing order 275.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Do you have a point of order, Mr Moore?

Mr Moore: Yes, 275, which mentions "any question relating to procedure or the conduct of business of the Assembly not provided for in these standing orders". It was not necessary for Mr Collaery to refer to the practice to which he drew attention because it is clearly defined in 54.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will take advice on that.

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