Page 1519 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 2 May 1990

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is it true that with the closure of Royal Canberra Hospital there will be a reduction in the number of hospital beds in the ACT?

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, no, it is not true.

MR BERRY: I will ask a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. I would be pleased if Mr Humphries could tell me how many beds will be at Woden Valley Hospital and Calvary Hospital immediately following the closure of the Royal Canberra Hospital.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, the words "immediately following the closure of Royal Canberra" were not inserted in the original question. If Mr Berry wants to know whether there will be a reduction in the short term, I will have to take his question on notice. However, I can assure him that at the end of the redevelopment program being embarked on by this Government there will be 100 additional beds in the ACT public hospital system.

Mr Berry: That did not answer the question, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, the Minister has answered to the best of his ability.

Mr Berry: It is not really up to the Minister.

MR HUMPHRIES: I am sorry it does not please Mr Berry to hear this information, but the reality is that he asked whether there will be a reduction in the number of public hospital beds in the ACT. The answer is no. At the end of the redevelopment program embarked on by this Government there will be more public hospital beds to account for the population growth of the ACT.

Mr Berry: That is misleading. When will that finish? You might tell us that bit of additional information.

MR HUMPHRIES: I have already answered the question earlier when Ms Follett asked about the program.

Mr Berry: What date?

MR HUMPHRIES: I would anticipate, Mr Berry, roughly the middle of this decade - roughly 1995 or thereabouts the project will be finished. It will take some time, and I can assure you that we are going to plan a very careful timetable for that, and when we have developed that you will see it.

Mr Berry: Would you agree to take the other question on notice?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, please address your question - - -

Mr Berry: I just want to know - - -

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