Page 1435 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 1 May 1990

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MR MOORE: We need to debate this motion in order to give an opportunity for each member to express his or her concern. Dr Kinloch has publicly expressed his concern, for example, and this motion will give him the opportunity to come out, as he claims he would like to, and support the motion. Or, if he wants to be honest, he can vote against the motion, as he did with the motion before the Standing Committee on Conservation, Heritage and Environment, which was carried, despite what he said earlier today.

Dr Kinloch: Mr Speaker, on a point of order; I would ask that Mr Moore withdraw those last comments. The details of that meeting have not been put before a committee. There is considerable dispute about what was said and what was not said, and that is a partisan view of it.

MR SPEAKER: I ask you to withdraw that, please, Mr Moore.

MR MOORE: I withdraw it, Mr Speaker. But let me say that that matter will come up later because Dr Kinloch is not going to be able to mislead this house and leave it as it lies.

MR SPEAKER: Order! It is an imputation again. Will you please withdraw that.

Mr Jensen: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker, on 202.

MR MOORE: It is not imputation, Mr Speaker; it is a direct statement of fact that Dr Kinloch has - - -

MR SPEAKER: You are inferring.

MR MOORE: I shall withdraw it to take it up later. Mr Speaker, I do not need to withdraw it because I said I shall later take up that matter of Dr Kinloch misleading this house. This is what I said, and it is not necessary for me to withdraw that sort of statement.

MR SPEAKER: There is the same implication, Mr Moore. It has been withdrawn anyway.

Mr Collaery: He has repeated it. Mr Speaker, he has been ignoring your directions flagrantly all afternoon.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Collaery. Please withdraw the last statement you made also, Mr Moore - an unqualified withdrawal.

MR MOORE: I withdraw it, Mr Speaker. The opportunity will come for us to consider that matter, and I will ensure that the Assembly does so. I move this motion in order to make sure that people like Dr Kinloch can start being honest with the electorate and give them a chance, when they do object to something, to be able to say that they object, instead of saying to everybody, "I opposed that; I did not like that idea", and we are supposed to believe - - -

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