Page 968 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 27 March 1990

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MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Duby referred to the Vocational Training Act in his comments, for Mrs Grassby's information. The fact is the Labor Government - - -

Mr Moore: On a point of order, Mr Speaker; standing order 62, this is repetitious. You have said this a dozen times.

Mr Duby: The fact is this is another nail in the coffin.

MR SPEAKER: Overruled. The member is trying to regather his thoughts on what he said before.

Mrs Grassby: Oh, God, talk about fish of one and flesh of another. It is unbelievable.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, the Opposition claimed that I was being - - -

MR SPEAKER: Once again, Mrs Grassby, I ask you to withdraw that comment. It is being recorded in Hansard. It is an imputation against the Speaker.

Mrs Grassby: Mr Speaker, you stop everybody on repetition on this side, and yet you allow him to go on and on and on about it.

MR SPEAKER: The reason is obvious to any reasonable person - he is repeating himself because he has lost track of where he was at. That is quite understandable under the circumstances.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I will come to a conclusion quickly, if members opposite will permit me. The fact is that in respect of the earlier debate tonight members opposite claimed that it was not appropriate to have clauses in Bills which provided an immunity from prosecution by the Crown. Then they modify that position to say that it is not appropriate to have such clauses in environment Bills. The fact is, Mr Speaker, they have been caught out. In the Labor Party's own environment Bill, to which Mr Moore made no objection when it was put to the Assembly - - -

Mr Duby: Just like vocational training.

MR HUMPHRIES: Just like vocational training it contained an exclusion, an immunity from prosecution for the Crown, and there was no objection, no whisper of objection from members opposite, including Mr Moore.

Mr Moore: Nobody had pointed it out to me then, but now I agree.

MR HUMPHRIES: They are hoist on their own petard. Let the record show that that is the case.

Mr Duby: If it was murder?

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