Page 963 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 27 March 1990

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MR SPEAKER: Yes, you are reflecting on a vote before the - - -

MR HUMPHRIES: I am not reflecting on a vote before the Assembly at all, Mr Speaker; I am reflecting on arguments used in the course of the day.

Mr Berry: But that is the vote.

Mr Moore: That is the vote.

MR HUMPHRIES: I am not reflecting on any vote taken by members of the Assembly reflecting on the debate.

MR SPEAKER: Order. Please be careful on that point then, Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: A point in debate made by Opposition members was that we should not exempt or make immune the Crown from prosecution. When it was pointed out - - -

Mr Moore: On a point of order, Mr Speaker; this is clearly reflecting on - - -

Mr Duby: He has ruled already.

MR SPEAKER: Point of order.

MR HUMPHRIES: When it was pointed out to members of the Opposition that they had provided in the Vocational Training Act - - -

Mr Moore: Rules for one side; other rules for the other.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Moore! That was a reflection on my impartiality. I am trying to do the right thing by both sides, and if you persist with your comments it will do you no good. These are your rules; they are your standing orders. I am trying to do it impartially. You make that almost impossible.

MR HUMPHRIES: When it was pointed out that members opposite when in government included just such a provision in the Vocational Training Act, they retorted - and Mr Moore, I believe, made the same retort - that that was an environment Act, and was different. I invite interjections from the other side. Was the Pesticides Act 1989 - the Labor Party Pesticides Act, Mrs Grassby, an environment Act? Was it an environment Act, Mr Moore?

Mr Moore: Well, maybe we might have learnt something since then.

MR HUMPHRIES: Stony silence - - -

Mr Moore: There is not stony silence. What are you talking about? Stony silence - of course, there is not.

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