Page 929 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 27 March 1990
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MR MOORE: It certainly is a substitution. It is certainly presented as a substitution, and the action is following that as well. Having made that point, I hope the Minister will take some note of it and perhaps look into it further if I am not convincing enough in this short speech.
Mr Humphries: You are certainly not.
MR MOORE: He interjects, "Certainly not". He prefers to remain closed-minded, and that is a typical, arrogant Liberal approach and is the typical approach of Greiner and the greinerised Kaine Government here.
Mr Humphries: You did not put this when it was brought forward by Labor last year, Michael.
A member: This report covers the administration of our member from Melbourne Ports.
Mr Humphries: That is right.
MR SPEAKER: Order! Please proceed, Mr Moore.
MR MOORE: Before those interjections I mentioned the comment of Mr Humphries that he would remain with a closed mind, because he knows best, the same as the public servants know best; they do not want to consult. I also draw attention to page 77 and public education, free education. We are now talking about possible cuts to education of between $6m and $9m. Voluntary contributions, which is the fifth item in the receipts column, show that almost $2m was contributed by parents in that way. That is a significant sum.
Mr Duby: Not for preschools.
MR MOORE: I hear the interjection, "Not for preschools". What absolute rot! Parents of preschoolers - allow me to declare my interest in this aspect as a parent of a preschooler - make tremendous contributions to the preschools, both financially - and you ought to know that, Minister - and by providing nearly all the consumables within the preschool, for which the department takes almost no responsibility. That sort of interjection reflects, in relation to preschools, ignorance on the part of two of the Ministers of the Government. It is absolutely horrific!
Mr Collaery: Who are they?
MR MOORE: I am glad, Mr Collaery, that you have given me the opportunity to name them. It does not include you in this instance. It is Mr Duby and the Minister for Education, Mr Humphries. I am sure you know better about contributions in preschools.
Mr Collaery: I know better than Mr Duby.
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