Page 862 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 27 March 1990

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MR BERRY: Well, I withdraw that and may I replace it with: Can the Assembly and the public expect that these grants will be made at the whim of the Minister for the future?

Mr Jensen: On a point of order, Mr Speaker; I still think that there is an inference there - standing order 117(b)(iii) - that current grants are not being made in accordance with - - -

MR SPEAKER: Yes, that is exactly what was just withdrawn, Mr Jensen.

Mr Jensen: Well, I believe Mr Berry, in fact, did not. He restated it, Mr Speaker, in a different way.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, if I can help you?

MR SPEAKER: Yes, thank you. I would believe that is not a valid point.

MR BERRY: What I was asked to withdraw were the words "patronage" and "favouritism". I have done that and I have replaced them with the word "whim". That is on the notion or on the judgment, if you like, of the Minister responsible.

Mr Jensen: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. Surely under standing order 117(b)(iv) that is an imputation on the decision making process of the Minister involved.

MR SPEAKER: No, I believe not, Mr Jensen. Thank you for your observation.

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, when I published the details of our legislative program I made the point that it is not a static list, it is a dynamic one. There are new requirements for legislation coming up all the time and that will require that the order of precedence in that listing be changed and that new items be inserted in it. Secondly, of course, the legislation in question falls within the ambit of the Minister for Health and I am sure that he, at the next update, will make sure that reference is made to that particular piece of legislation.

As to the final part of the question; again, the fund was set up by the previous Government. It was established by the previous Government. The fact that it neglected to set up the operating instructions by which it was to be handled has placed the onus on the new Minister for Health to deal with that matter.

I believe that he is dealing with it diligently and honestly and that he is making money available out of that fund established by your Government, Mr Berry, your Government, for the purposes for which the fund was established. If you are raising any questions about the integrity of the Minister in making these funds available, I think you should be quite clear that you are doing so and then we will deal with it in the proper fashion.

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