Page 1122 - Week 04 - Thursday, 29 March 1990

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respect of committees. They include the provision that the membership of committees should be proportional to people's representation in the Assembly. Mr Moore is a - - -

Mr Moore: That is a very dangerous precedent you are setting.

MR HUMPHRIES: Well, it is not an unfortunate precedent; it is a precedent that we have tried to live with. As far as I am aware, the Liberal Party, at least, has always tried to provide for that provision in the Assembly. That was in the days before the Alliance Government. The Alliance Government is now attempting to do the same thing. The fact is, Mr Deputy Speaker, that at the present time Mr Moore is a member of other committees. He is the chairman of the HIV, Illegal Drugs and Prostitution Committee. What else is he on?

Mr Moore: I am on the Standing Committee on Conservation, Heritage and Environment, as of yesterday.

MR HUMPHRIES: And he is on the Standing Committee on Conservation, Heritage and Environment - three committees. Clearly, he would have a greater proportion of membership than should be enjoyed by a party of one person. Mr Stevenson, for example, has not that same entitlement. I do not see why Mr Moore should have it. Under the circumstances, I really think we should abide by standing orders.

DR KINLOCH (4.17): Mr Speaker, Mr Stefaniak and I are deeply grieved that we will not have the pleasure of Mr Stevenson's company, but he well realises that when we have meetings of that committee he would be welcome to attend. All members would be welcome to attend; Mr Moore would be welcome to attend. Similarly, all committees do urge members to attend their meetings, except for the final stages of consideration of conclusions.

MR MOORE (4.18): I seek leave to say just a minute's worth of words to the Assembly, Mr Speaker.

Leave granted.

MR MOORE: Mr Humphries' point about membership of the committees is certainly quite valid, but I think it is reasonable to say that it is impossible, with the number of people here, to get an exact balance as to - - -

Mr Humphries: We can approximate.

MR MOORE: The best we can do is approximate, and the approximation at the moment is that I am underutilised from a committee perspective. I think it would be appropriate, since I am prepared to offer my services, that we get a proportion that instead of being a little under, is a little over. I thought I would just mention that. I thank the house for the leave.

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