Page 786 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 1990
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city site on which, "your firm had carriage of redevelopment". That, of course, is a letter I should have tabled at the time as well. It would have been conclusive. I also tabled a letter dated 28 November 1989 from Civil & Civic to the Acting Commissioner for Housing. It starts off, for the purposes of clarity, "Thank you for your letter of 9 November 1989 regarding new medium density residential development on -" and I stress this, Mr Speaker - "on inner city sites".
MR SPEAKER: Ministers, are there any further papers?
MR COLLAERY: I table the following report for the information of members:
Fire Brigade (Administration) Act - Australian Capital Territory Fire Brigade - Report 1988-89.
Ministerial Statement and Paper
MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts), by leave: Mr Speaker, AIDS is an issue which has not been far from the top of the public agenda for a number of years now, ever since the AIDS epidemic first came to public attention. The ACT has often been in the forefront of advances in the fight against AIDS. However, despite its high profile, many people in the community would be unaware of the more important developments that have occurred in the AIDS field in recent times, including a significant expansion in AIDs programs and services. I therefore feel that it is an appropriate time to address the Assembly on issues relating to AIDS in the ACT and the activities being undertaken to fight its further spread and to care for those already infected.
The Assembly has recognised the significance of the issues raised by HIV and AIDS. This is reflected in the establishment of a Select Committee on HIV, Illegal Drugs and Prostitution. The committee's terms of reference include examining the effectiveness of current legal and social controls enabling action to prevent the spread of AIDS; alternative social, medical and/or legal proposals which may assist in restricting the further spread of AIDS; and other matters relating to AIDS in the ACT. These inquiries by the select committee will touch on many sensitive areas of social policy and I wish it well in its investigations. The Government will, of course, provide support and advice to the select committee as necessary.
AIDS, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome as we all know it to stand for, is an epidemic of international and national concern. The latest World Health Organisation figures estimate that between five and 10 million of the world's population carry the AIDS virus known as human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, and over 200,000 people have
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