Page 785 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 1990

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Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I object to the record showing that I have been ordered to table these documents. I was rising to table them and I ask respectfully - - -

Mr Berry: To help the Speaker and to draw a bit of order back into the house, I move that the Minister be required to table the documents and that is the end of the matter.

Mr Moore: He has just been ordered to.

Members interjected.

MR SPEAKER: I draw the members of the Assembly's attention to standing order 213 which states that on the conclusion of Mr Collaery's speech he was to table the documents. He has not been ordered to; it is just that he is in breach of standing order in the fact that he neglected to do so. Would you please table the documents, Mr Collaery.

Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, on a point of order; standing order 213 says no such thing. It says quite categorically that a document quoted from by a member "may be ordered by the Assembly to be presented".

Mr Kaine: The Assembly has not ordered it.

Mr Duby: It continues:

the order may be made without notice immediately upon the conclusion of the speech of the member who has quoted from the document.

Let us put it to the vote then. Move the motion and put it to the vote.

Members interjected.

MR SPEAKER: I will withdraw that ruling, Mr Collaery; you are absolutely correct. If the member had wished the documents to be produced on the conclusion of your speech, then that is the time that that question should have been put to the Assembly.

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General): I am indebted to your ruling, Mr Speaker, thank you. I wish to table the following documents:

Government flats - Inner city - Copies of 8 letters between developers and the Housing Trust.

Mr Speaker, I have tabled the documents; now I wish to comment on some of them. I tabled a letter dated 9 November 1989 to Mr Alan Johnson from the Acting Commissioner for Housing, referring - so this is not confused with another letter - to a conversation confirming that the Trust would be interested in acquiring a proportion of new medium density dwellings on any inner

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