Page 402 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 21 February 1990
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felt throughout a number of States - probably throughout Australia. It is therefore appropriate that a national approach be taken on the issue. I call on the ACT Government to clarify its position on the other issues I have raised and to raise with the Federal Government the need for a full and independent inquiry.
MR KAINE (Chief Minister) (12.23): I do not know where the Leader of the Opposition got her speech from. She must have had it faxed in from Mars, because she obviously has not been aware of anything that has been happening on this project for the last two-and-a-half months since she became Leader of the Opposition. Ms Follett has raised three specific points.
A member: Oh! She is leaving the chamber.
MR KAINE: Yes, she is leaving, she does not want to hear the rebuttal. She does this every time, gets up and leaves as soon as she has made her little petulant speech. She has raised three specific issues concerning ACT Government support for the very fast train project and how that project might best be progressed. I point out to the Assembly, Mr Speaker, the very significant progress made on VFT matters already by this Alliance Government in the short time we have been here, and I foreshadow that I will be putting on the table an amendment to the motion that Ms Follett has put forward, reflecting what the Government has done and is doing.
In both its transport and tourism policies issued shortly after taking government, the Alliance stated its support for the proposal to build a very fast train linking Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra. That support is unequivocal - unlike that of the Opposition which is with us today and against us tomorrow. On 2 February the Government also issued its formal response to the VFT joint venturers' proposal which goes into detail on the type of environmental, social, and economic studies and assessments required before considering final approval. Ms Follett is entirely unaware of all this.
The very fast train proposal raises many complex issues for both government and the community. It is our view that a very fast train system throughout south-east Australia with Canberra at its heart will be a major and welcome boost to our national transport infrastructure and will have a significant positive impact on the ACT economy.
That view is strongly supported by the results of a preliminary economic impact evaluation, prepared for the ACT Government by consultants. I released that economic study on 6 February. The results of the study show quite clearly that the VFT will be a major boost to the Territory's economy and to this region and that potential costs are significantly outweighed by the benefits.
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