Page 266 - Week 01 - Thursday, 15 February 1990

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Hector Kinloch: When I say too many teachers, we are well staffed, the schools are well staffed. Im very happy to say. You can see why. Were the best place in Australia to teach. I mean we have one of the beat educational systems, I think the best, in Australia. People want to tench here. We have a very high quality population. People who comp here are often with their spouses, whether male or female, want to teach in the system. So there are many people out there to whom we cannot give jobs, alas. Now as for future spending, that of course is a matter for budget discussion and I hope to fight every inch of the way to, for the education system.

Pru Goward: So theres not a shortage of teachers and yet weve got 15 teachers short for our secondary colleges.

Hector K.Inloch: No, I think theres and

administrative pledge (sic) related to the census

matter that I spoke about earlier .....

Pru Goward: But the teachers have got to come Pram somewhere.

Hector Kinloch: ... that will be solved today.

Pru Goward: Alight. Dr Kinloch, thank you for your time this morning and ...

Hector Kinloch: Thank you Pro, happy New Year.

Pru Goward: .... you categoric assurances there. Im sure there are going to be some students this morning very pleased to hear that.


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