Page 265 - Week 01 - Thursday, 15 February 1990

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Hector Kinloch: Yes.

Pru Goward: .... or miraculously pulling them out of teachers colleges?

Hector Kinloch: I dont know how to answer that on air this morning, Pro. But I assure you the moment this programme is over I will be over there saying: We have got to solve this problem. Were not going to ballot students. Were going to put teachers in the class room. At the coal face, theres going to be no disadvantaged student at any of the colleges in the ACT.

Pru Goward: You say theres not a crisis, but as I understand it there is certainly a terrible shortage of teachers. They are leaving ....

Hector Kinloch: No, not true. No not true. In the ACT system, I think theres a terrible shortage of teachers in New South Wales. Youve only got to look at Mr Metherill to perhaps to help to answer why. We do not have a shortage of teachers in the ACT. Indeed we have an opposite problem as Im all too well aware, we have too manyteachers. We dont have - but there are too many available teachers for the jobs to be filled. Thats the problem in the ACT.

Pru Goward: So theres no need to spend an extra cent on education. Weve got too many teachers and yet weve got kids ...


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