Page 194 - Week 01 - Thursday, 15 February 1990

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around putting in their resignations, trying to beat the chop? How many public servants have been sacked? How many senior public servants have been sacked? How many public servants at all have been sacked? There has only ever been one public servant sacked, transferred, kicked upstairs as a result of self-government in this Territory, and we know who did that - the former Deputy Chief Minister who had his way, much against the advice of his fellow members of Cabinet. He insisted, "This man has to go".

As I was saying, this is an advisory committee only. I think it is a good sign that people have been given the opportunity by the Chief Minister to look at the functions of government in the ACT and see if there are ways in which we can do things more efficiently - not necessarily more cheaply, but let us see whether we can organise the spending of the public dollar in a smarter fashion. Let us see whether we can organise the spending of the dollar in a more efficient way, and eliminate inefficiencies and duplications which are a cost to the public purse.

These clear recommendations bring bursts of mirth from the other side of the house. It just makes you wonder how serious they were when they had control of the economic future of the ACT. Any suggestion that there may be a way to do things more efficiently, to spend the dollar in a smarter fashion, is met with bursts of mirth. It is just unbelievable, and I think it is a clear indication why the people on that side of the house are now on that side of the house, Mr Speaker. That is a clear indication, to my mind, of what it is all about.

Mr Speaker, I welcome the establishment of the Priorities Review Board. I think it is a good thing for the ACT, a good thing for the ACT public servant and a very, very good thing for the ACT ratepayer and taxpayer.

MR JENSEN (11.52): I have listened with interest this morning to the cackling and hoo-haing from the people opposite me. It seems to me that once again they are determined to bring this chamber into disrepute by their activities and their unparliamentary behaviour. Mr Speaker, I suggest that it is time for them to take a good hard look at their activities. I note that the Leader of the Opposition is leaving. Can she not handle the matters that have been raised today about her activities?

Mr Berry: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. Again I rise to complain and seek your direction in relation to this person opposite, who likes to see the standing orders adhered to. I just ask him to stick to them himself and stick to the point.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Please address the question before the house, Mr Jensen.

MR JENSEN: Thank you, Mr Speaker; I will do that. It is unfortunate that others who seek to digress cannot handle

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