Page 193 - Week 01 - Thursday, 15 February 1990

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Mr Kaine: A camel.

MR DUBY: A camel, the committee definition for a horse. The Chief Minister said in his statement that he is sure that, as has happened elsewhere in Australia, with significant structural changes which have been required, the union movement will play a constructive and responsible role in this review. The union movement has not been left out of it, as we see from the Chief Minister's statement:

I have already commenced discussions with the union movement and I look forward to its positive involvement in helping the Government reach decisions which ensure that the ACT community continues to receive the support it deserves from this Government ...

And from this Assembly, I might add, which it apparently is not going to receive.

The point was made that in the ACT we are in the process of creating the last public service in Australia. Why should we stick with the outmoded models from governments that have had public services for over 100 years - systems that simply frankly are a drain on the public purse? Here is a chance to be innovative, a chance to look at the way in which we want to do things, effectively and efficiently, in the ACT, at the least cost to the ratepayer and community of the ACT. I must again also point out that the recommendations of this committee will not be binding.

Mr Berry: No, but 3,000 jobs are binding.

MR DUBY: I take the point, Mr Berry. That is not binding at all. It is an allegorical statement by the Chief Minister.

Mr Wood: I'd like to hear him say that.

MR DUBY: He will. There is no way that 3,000 people are to be sacked as a result of this board being appointed.

Mrs Grassby: Are you promising us that?

Mr Whalan: How do you know? Have you told them to do that?

Ms Follett: Is that on behalf of the Government?

Mr Kaine: I have already said it, but you wouldn't want to listen.

MR DUBY: It has already been said. I can give a guarantee now in this Assembly that not one public servant will be sacked. There will be no sackings. It will be the same situation as we had when this Government took office. Remember the claims from the other side about how the heads will roll, how public servants were frantically running

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