Page 2977 - Week 13 - Thursday, 23 November 1989

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Government Response

In order to ensure that nobody is. charged twice for ambulance cover, the Department of Community Services and Health will be sending each member of the ambulance subscription service a refund of the unexpired value of their membership once the ambulance levy legislation is in place.

The refund will be accompanied by a letter informing the subscriber of the new arrangements. The letter will advise that those with private hospital insurance will no longer need to take out separate ambulance cover as they will be covered automatically.

Subscription scheme members who are not members of health funds will be advised to take out ambulance only cover. This cover will be offered by one of the health funds on an agency arrangement. Negotiations with the funds are presently under way.

Improved arrangements will apply in the case of pensioners. Pensioners will automatically be entitled to free ambulance travel irrespective of their hospital insurance status.

The health funds will not be required to pay a levy in respect of their pensioner members. Pensioners who do not have private hospital insurance will not need to take out ambulance only insurance. Pensioners, who pay $4.50 per annum membership under the current ambulance subscription scheme, will not receive a refund.

Members of the current ambulance subscription scheme whose membership expires after the legislation is passed, but prior to the levy arrangement being put into place, will not be expected to pay their renewal. The Department of Community Services and Health will advise affected members that they will receive free coverage for that period, after which they should consider taking out ambulance only cover depending on their private hospital insurance status.

Recommendation (16)

the Government report to the Legislative Assembly as soon as possible on any decision to fund Galilee past March 1990 (paragraph 5.7).

Government Response

Accept recommendation.

Recommendation (17)

the Chief Minister seek a commitment from the Commonwealth to accept full financial responsibility for the removal of asbestos (paragraph 6.4).


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