Page 2976 - Week 13 - Thursday, 23 November 1989

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Government Response

In formulating the Budget, the Government was mindful of the need to ensure services, including education, were not adversely affected. With the further development of performance indicators by all agencies, the Assembly will be able to assess agency performance as well as the budgetary effect on service delivery.

Publication of student and teacher numbers is routinely available in the Department of Educations annual report. An assessment of the impact of Government policy on these matters will be published in the Report. Recommendation (14)

the Government provide to the Legislative Assembly a notional list of projects which can be identified against the forward design program; and

these details must be available during consideration of the Appropriation Bill 1989-90 (paragraph 4.18). Government Response

The total estimated cost of $5.Om with expenditure of $2.5m in 1989-90 identified in the 1989-90 Budget for the Forward Design Program is to allow preliminary design work to proceed on major new works that are planned to be commenced in subsequent financial years. Because of the long lead-times associated with the design and development of major capital works, it is necessary for such a provision to be made in the Budget. If this provision was not-made, it would be virtually impossible to commit to construction those projects in the year planned.

The 1989-90 Budget provisions have been based on the past experience of the former NCDC and the likely level of funds to be available in the future for capital works.

Under the existing arrangements for the formulation of the construction program, agencies have been requested to submit details of the projects they wish to be considered for forward design as part of their Four Year Forward Intentions to the Treasury by 24 November 1989. Treasury will then consolidate agencies proposals and prepare a submission to Government for consideration.

As the Government is yet to consider projects for inclusion in the 1989-90 Forward Design Program, it is not possible to provide a definitive list. Recommendation (15)

the Government provide details to the Legislative Assembly on the final refund arrangements reached for current contributors of the ACT Ambulance Service who will, from 1 January 1990, be contributing through private health insurance schemes; and

such detail be provided for consideration prior to the passage of the Appropriation Bill 1989-90 (paragraph 5.5).


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