Page 2974 - Week 13 - Thursday, 23 November 1989

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Recommendation (10)

anew program for the Legislative Assembly be created with three sub-programs for:

- Secretariat support

- Non-executive Members

- Executive Members (paragraph 3.20)

Government Response

The Government agrees that all costs of the Assembly and the Executive, should be readily identified. Program 3 currently incorporates the costs of the Executive and associated public service support to the Executive (for example the Cabinet Office, Chief Ministers Division etc). The Government proposes that for 1990-91 a separate sub-program will be established under this Program.

Identification of Executive costs in this way will ensure full disclosure in a manner consistent with the practice adopted by the Commonwealth and the States.

Program 1 - Support to the ACT Legislative Assembly will therefore continue to comprise funds which are under the control of the Speaker. The full costs of the legislature and the Executive could then be obtained by aggregating the Legislative Assembly Program and the Executive sub-program.

Recommendation (11)

the Treasurer table, on a monthly basis, a statement outlining use of the Treasurers Advance (paragraph 3.23). Government Response

The Public Accounts Committee is currently conducting an inquiry into the principles relating to future financial administration and audit legislation for the ACT. As the principles governing the operations of the Treasurers Advance are covered by the audit legislation, the Government considers it appropriate that this recommendation be considered within the ambit of that inquiry.

Recommendation (12)

the Government review and report to the Legislative Assembly as soon as possible whether it would be more appropriate for a direct subsidy to be paid to ACTION for both Government and non-Government school bus transport rather than a transfer payment through the Department of Education (paragraph 4.2).


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