Page 2973 - Week 13 - Thursday, 23 November 1989

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detail will need to be supplementary to that which can be contained in the annual Budget Papers.

Recommendation (7)

the Government investigate the feasibility of co-ordinating advertising to enable it to be located together in the print media; and

the Government report to the Legislative Assembly the results of this investigation (paragraph 2.40) Government Response

A feasibility study looking at the scope and potential benefits from co-ordination of ACT Government Service advertising is currently being undertaken by the Government. Assembly Members will be informed when the review is finalised and implementation is decided upon.

Recommendation (8)

the Government review its decision relating to fencing Stage 88 and develop alternative proposals for the funds consistent with the grant (paragraph 3.3). Government Response

The Government agrees and will advise the Assembly of the outcome of the review as soon as it is completed.

Recommendation (9)

in future all but major capital expenditure by the Canberra Theatre Trust be financed from non-Budget sources (paragraph 3.6). Government Response

The Government notes the Committees recommendation and will be examining future funding arrangements for the Canberra Theatre Trust in the lead-up to the 1990-91 Budget.


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