Page 2021 - Week 06 - Thursday, 9 June 2022

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The main training system used at CHS is HRIMS Learning system and only reports on current staff. Training undertaken by staff may not necessarily have been completed while they were working at Dhulwa.

Training data is held in many different locations, dependant on the type of training, for example, mandatory training, in-services, external training and study leave.

7) Eight nurses per shift. Due to resourcing and the size of the report, CHS is unable to provide the number of times a shift has short staffed since 2019.

8) During business hours the Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) RN level 3.2 is responsible for the clinical operations of the unit.

There is a team leader for each ward who carries a patient load.

After hours, the nurse in charge is a designated RN2 or senior RN1 who oversees the clinical operations.

Depending on the number of consumers admitted and the level of care required, they may have a small patient load.

9) The Assistant Director of Nursing (ADoN) works across both Dhulwa and Gawanggal Mental Health Unit and is located wherever needed (Dhulwa majority of the time).

The Director of Nursing (DoN) is operationally responsible for Dhulwa, Gawanggal, Adult Mental Health Unit, Mental Health Short Stay Unit, Ward 12B and the Adult Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit. The DoN splits their time across the units but will prioritise a unit if there is a clinical need. Typically, the DoN is on site at Dhulwa one day per week.

For further advice regarding who is in charge, please refer to Q8.

10) This data is unavailable.

11) ADONs and DONs complete the same mandatory training as all staff.

12) This data is unavailable.

13) All CHS staff including those working in Dhulwa, have access to mental health support from CHS’ Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - Converge International which they can access directly. In March 2022, Converge provided critical incident support to staff in Dhulwa. As EAP is a confidential service, CHS do not receive identifying information, including how many staff accessed EAP support from Converge.

Other mental health support services available to staff include Nursing & Midwifery Support Service; Next Step – Beyond Blue Program; Access Mental Health Team; CHS’ Workplace Resolution and Support Service. HOT debriefs are provided immediately following an incident, COLD debriefs within the following days of the incident. In addition, welfare checks may be performed by managers where required. CHS has mandated Family Violence – a Shared Understanding for Managers to support them in identifying possible risk factors in their staff and inform them of the resources available to staff who may be experiencing challenges.

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