Page 32 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 8 February 2022

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look to reform the births, deaths and marriages registration legislation to ensure a better and more inclusive process for changing birth registration and birth certificates for trans and gender diverse people. We will consult with the community and introduce legislation to support people with variations in sex characteristics and their families, deferring some medical interventions until a person can give personal consent.

The government will also continue to engage with the Disability Royal Commission and the National Disability Insurance Scheme as we strive to achieve better support and outcomes for people with disability in the territory.

The government remains committed to continue working with First Nations Canberrans to close the gap and improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We will continue to work towards a treaty process for the ACT, the development of sustainable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations, returning Boomanulla Oval and the Yarramundi Cultural Centre to community control, and further progress in reconciliation through the Healing and Reconciliation Fund. We will also continue our efforts to employ an additional Justice Health Service alcohol and other drugs nurse at Bimberi, and develop a model of care for this service, to increase the support available for children and young people.

Turning to gambling reform and the club industry, there is work underway to support our community clubs and to reduce gambling harm. These two are not mutually exclusive. We will continue the government’s work on harm minimisation and supporting clubs by working with clubs to diversify their revenue-generating streams and to transition away from gaming revenue, and we will continue the preliminary work and consultation on introducing bet limits and a credit limit on gaming machines operating in the ACT.

Of course, none of us has forgotten the impact of the smoke emanating from the Black Summer bushfires. It seems like many years ago, but it was not that long, so we need to continue to explore options to support our community clubs to become heat and smoke refuges for their local communities.

Turning now to business and better regulation, in relation to regulation reform the Better Regulation Taskforce will soon finalise its discovery report, setting the scene for a program of work that will position us to do even better in attracting, retaining and growing businesses in the territory.

The government heads into 2022 with a range of priorities, and we will continue to keep the Assembly and the Canberra community updated on these initiatives. I have touched on many of them this morning, but there are many others. I did not want this speech to be a 90-minute affair, so I have limited my comments. However, I would like now to touch on some of my portfolios and provide the Assembly with some further updates.

As I stated earlier, the territory continues to lead the nation with our climate action policies as we work towards a zero-emissions future. The Sustainable Household

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