Page 31 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 8 February 2022

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impairing the significant role housing plays in providing a safe environment as we become increasingly divided as a society between those who own property and those who do not.

I have put on the public record that I believe the medium-term objective of all jurisdictions in this country should be the design of policies that will result in property price growth that is no greater than wage price growth. To achieve this, it requires the active participation of governments at all levels. While commonwealth tax arrangements remain structured in the way they are, this will continue to be an uphill battle. The ACT government has provided an additional $100 million in our 2021-22 budget towards the social housing program, which we will continue to deliver.

Here in the ACT we will continue to implement our five-year $50 million program to improve building efficiency and sustainability of social and public housing and to support low-income owner-occupier households and the city’s lowest performing rental properties to improve their sustainability. We will continue working towards our ambitious affordable rental housing target, with the goal of 600 additional dwellings by fiscal year 2025-26.

Turning to planning and sustainable building and construction, this year the government will introduce legislation to reform the ACT’s planning system. This work has involved extensive community consultation and will see significant reforms to deliver better outcomes for development, the environment and the community. We will also continue our work on and our commitment to enhancing the natural environment by protecting and increasing our urban tree canopy.

Law reform will be a significant part of this year’s parliamentary agenda. We will continue to examine drug law reform, including the decriminalisation of small quantities of illicit drugs, as we consider how to develop a modern, support-based approach to drug abuse and addiction.

There is also important work continuing a range of other important law reforms, including the multicultural recognition act, the review of the Discrimination Act, and the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s commissioner. The ACT government will also raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility in the ACT.

Addressing domestic and family violence continues to be a significant priority, and the government will implement important reforms, including those arising from the recommendations of the Family Violence Act 2016 review, overseen by the Attorney-General. Minister Berry is continuing to lead the government’s response to the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Steering Committee’s final report. I also acknowledge this morning Dr Paterson for her work in relation to re-examining the ACT’s consent laws, ahead of the introduction of the Crimes (Consent) Amendment Bill later today.

Over the coming months, I will release the government’s second action plan under the Capital of Equality Strategy that outlines how we will continue to build on our progress to keep Canberra as the most LGBTIQ+ inclusive city in Australia. We will

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