Page 16 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 8 February 2022

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in place for an additional two weeks after the completion of the signage installation to reinforce the speed limit for motorists. Additional VMS were put in place on 11 May until 4 June 2021 to remind motorists of the reduced speed limit, then again on 21 June 2021 and are still in place.

A letterbox drop of 2,000 letters was undertaken in March 2021 to businesses and residences in the Braddon and Civic areas.

While the speed limit in this zone was changed in March 2021, the fixed road safety cameras were adjusted to capture vehicles driving above 40 km/h on 21 June 2021. In addition to the three month period this gave Canberrans time to adjust to the new speed environment, a further two week warning period was provided between 21 June and the commencement of enforcement on 5 July 2021. During this time Ministers and ACT Government officials publicly announced the intention to commence enforcement from 5 July and encouraged Canberra drivers to adapt to the new speed limits.

As our city continues to grow, the Government is not ruling out additional communications and educational activities to inform Canberrans on reduced speeds in the city, town and group centres.

The amount of public information over a sustained period relating to the new 40km/h speed zone change significantly exceeds that for any other change of speed limit implementation in the ACT.

Warning signage

It is the responsibility of each motorist to be aware at all times of the speed limits in the location they are driving in accordance with Road Transport (Road Rules) Regulation 2017 SL2017-43 made under the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999.

The extension of the City area 40km/h zone to include parts of Northbourne Avenue, Cooyong and Barry Drive was designed in accordance with Australian Standards (Australian Standard AS1742.4 Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Part 4: Speed Controls).

The permanent warning signage installed in March 2021 when the new speed limit came into effect included:

a pair of 40km speed zone signs of standard sizing at each entry point into the speed limit zone;

repeater signs following each major road that intersects with the zone. A key design constraint to the location of the start and end of the 40km/h zone was ensuring that entry point signs are visible for approaching drivers at distances that exceed the minimums required by the Australian Standards. Sign locations also considered the spacing relative to other road signs so that the entry speed limit signs are not obscured;

additional 40 km/h ‘roundel’ road markings . These are not required by standards but do assist in making the speed limit more visible to motorists;

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