Page 15 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 8 February 2022

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Transport Strategy 2020

Policy response

The ACT Planning Strategy 2018 introduces the concept of ‘Movement and Place’ for the first time to Canberra. This is a framework for integrating land use and transport. It recognises that roads and streets have dual purposes, they are both places for people to move through and places for people to stop and spend time.

As Canberra becomes denser more streets will evolve to have both a high movement and a high place function. The streets of Civic and our town centres are good examples of this.

Walking and cycling for a liveable city

The Safe Systems approach will be used to assess safe speeds to support vulnerable road users walking and cycling in Canberra’s town, group and local centres and school environments.

Safe System Approach

The Safe System Approach recognises that safe speeds, safe roads, safe vehicles and safe behaviours, all go together to create a safe system for road travel. Safe System is compatible with Movement and Place and we will implement it on road design projects through the Safe System Assessment Framework.


The ACT Government has been transparent at all times in introducing lower speeds in the City and on Northbourne Avenue. This policy implements direct actions from two major Government strategies which have previously been announced and consulted on; the Road Safety Action Plan and

the City and Gateway Urban Design Framework. A range of important steps were also put in place to inform Canberrans about the change in speed limits prior to and during implementation.

A Ministerial media release was issued, and media interviews were conducted in March 2021. There were over 20 media articles including ABC News, Canberra Times and the Riot ACT as well as most major radio stations and via radio ads across multiple time slots, and either side of the news during peak hour, including either side of the news, to alert motorists to the speed zone changes. The radio advertisements ran on AM and FM radio. Advertisements also included social media posts, which were run across ACT Government Facebook, with more than 170,000 impressions, over 1500 reactions and almost 1500 comments. Updates were also provided through the digital Our Canberra newsletter, and ministers and officials from Transport Canberra and City Services and Access Canberra also gave multiple media interviews.

To provide guidance and inform all motorist about the changes in speed limit, large Variable Message Signs (VMS) were installed in the area two weeks prior to the 40km/h zones being introduced in March 2021. The VMS signs remained

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