Page 2429 - Week 07 - Thursday, 27 August 2020

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b. Plastic Streams – The MRF upgrades would minimise the amount of mixed plastic generated and produce a single resin plastic product that can be used in the automotive industry, clothing industry, remade into containers in the detergent industry, carpet manufacturing or, if specific streams are washed and flaked, they can be remanufactured into food grade beverage containers.

c. Glass Streams (crushed and broken) – Remanufactured into bottles again or used in the construction industry for concrete pavements, bitumen in roads, tile production, filtration material and sand blasting media as well as building construction industry, if washed and crushed to meet specific criteria.

(3) No, the upgrades would improve the quality of the materials produced. The current materials come from a variety of locations and sources including five regional NSW councils and this is not envisaged to change.

(4) In 2019-20 the MRF processed 62,000 tonnes of materials from; ACT household collections, six ACT Regional Drop-Off Centres, commercial operators, five regional councils, the ACT Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) and the NSW CDS from surrounding NSW Councils. These sources of material are not expected to change. An assessment of the MRF will be carried out in terms of its current asset condition, efficiency, downtime, plant configuration and layout. This work will inform the modelling for the MRF upgrade project and the additional capacity/ efficiencies that it will generate. This assessment is planned for late 2020 and associated modelling will be done in the planning stage of the project.

(Question No 3241)

Ms Lee asked the Minister for the Environment and Heritage, upon notice, on 31 July 2020 (redirected to the Minister for City Services):

Can the Minister provide the percentage of tree cover for each ACT suburb.

Mr Steel: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(A copy of the answer is available at the Chamber Support Office).

Education—international students
(Question No 3242)

Ms Lee asked the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development, upon notice, on 31 July 2020:

(1) For calendar years (a) 2016, (b) 2017, (c) 2018 and (d) 2019, how many international students were enrolled in ACT government schools in (i) primary school, (ii) high school and (iii) college.

(2) For the years and categories set out in part (1), (a) what categories of visa applied to each student and (b) how many students were in each of those categories.

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