Page 2412 - Week 07 - Thursday, 27 August 2020

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(8) The project was necessary to create a second, geographically distinct connection to the electricity network for the ACT. A connection is required to the existing Canberra substation at Belconnen and an existing easement is utilised to house this infrastructure. The construction of this infrastructure is undertaken in accordance with the standards.

(9) Noise and vibration during construction and operation were identified as part of the scoping stage of the EIS process. Consequently, a noise and vibration impact assessment (NVIA) was provided as a supporting document to the EIS. The NVIA considered corona discharge and wind aeolian noise (wind induced noise) to the nearest receivers (≥30m away). The NVIA concluded that estimated noise levels for the receivers would be within even the most stringent noise standards (night-time requirements).

(10) In general, high voltage transmission lines do not interfere with cell phones. Radio interference issues are limited to the lower frequency analogue transmission and locations remote from the transmitter. TransGrid standard structure geometry and conductor selection are designed to minimise or eliminate such interference issues. No issues are experienced at the higher frequencies of FM and cellular/digital transmission.

(11) All EISs and DAs require authorisation by the owner of the land. A letter of authorisation was provided by each lessee and land custodian prior to lodgement. A copy of this authorisation was provided in response to QON No 8 from the Inquiry into Referred 2018-19 Annual and Financial Reports.

(12) The EIS and DA process demonstrated that electromagnetic fields (EMF) are well below acceptable levels and ongoing live monitoring is not considered necessary.

(13) The ACT Government is not aware of any financial implications to current residents due to the administrative error in preparing the subject lease conveyancing reports.

Planning—McKellar shops
(Question No 3227)

Mrs Kikkert asked the Minister for Planning and Land Management, upon notice, on 24 July 2020:

(1) In relation to the McKellar Shops site and the answer to question on notice No 3063, in which the Minister wrote that “time frames for development are dependent on lease conditions”, …, and that “failure to develop a site that is unused may constitute a failure to use a lease in accordance with the lease purpose clause”, what are the specific lease conditions for this site.

(2) Has the current leaseholder failed to comply with any of these conditions; if so, which ones.

(3) Has the current leaseholder of this site failed to use the lease in accordance with the lease purpose clause by failing to develop the site.

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