Page 2148 - Week 07 - Thursday, 20 August 2020

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The Assembly voted—

Ayes 2

Noes 19

Ms Le Couteur

Mr Barr

Mrs Kikkert

Mr Rattenbury

Ms Berry

Ms Lawder

Miss C Burch

Ms Lee

Ms J Burch

Ms Orr

Ms Cheyne

Mr Parton

Mr Coe

Mr Pettersson

Mr Gentleman

Mr Ramsay

Mr Gupta

Mr Steel

Mr Hanson

Mr Wall

Mrs Jones

Amendments negatived.

MS LE COUTEUR (Murrumbidgee) (6.29): I move amendment No 9 circulated in my name [see schedule 5 at page 2168]. As Mr Ramsay pointed out, the amendment that we voted on earlier was minor and technical. The reason I called for a division then was so that people did not have to go upstairs and downstairs all the time. I am not planning on calling for any more divisions. Amendment 9 is much more about gambling. Those of us who believe that gambling entities have had quite a degree of influence on Australian, and in particular ACT, politics would vote for this. But that does not appear to be the majority position of this Assembly.

MR RAMSAY (Ginninderra—Attorney-General, Minister for the Arts, Creative Industries and Cultural Events, Minister for Building Quality Improvement, Minister for Business and Regulatory Services and Minister for Seniors and Veterans) (6.30): The government opposes this for the same reason that we opposed amendments 7 and 8.

Amendment negatived.

MS LE COUTEUR (Murrumbidgee) (6.30): I move amendment No 10 circulated in my name [see schedule 5 at page 2168]. Again, it is gambling related, so I fear it may not be agreed to.

MR RAMSAY (Ginninderra—Attorney-General, Minister for the Arts and Cultural Events, Minister for Building Quality Improvement, Minister for Business and Regulatory Services and Minister for Seniors and Veterans) (6.31): This is a substantive amendment, so I will explain in more detail. We will not be supporting this amendment as it relates to the introduction of prohibition on gambling businesses, as they are defined in the Greens’ amendments, from making political party donations.

What is very clear from the commentary from Greens members and Greens candidates that has been taking place on social media and elsewhere is that this amendment is actually not being put to try and effect a legal change but to make a political point. The Labor Party does not receive money from poker machines.

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