Page 2146 - Week 07 - Thursday, 20 August 2020

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MR RAMSAY (Ginninderra—Attorney-General, Minister for the Arts, Creative Industries and Cultural Events, Minister for Building Quality Improvement, Minister for Business and Regulatory Services and Minister for Seniors and Veterans) (6.17): The government will not be supporting the amendment. While we are not against a donations cap in principle, the government has some very practical reservations about this amendment and the manner of its drafting, notwithstanding the pleading appeal that Ms Le Couteur has voiced.

With respect to the political wing of the labour movement, the government does support collective participation in democracy. We are very concerned that this amendment may weaken collective action. We are also very concerned about the effect that this amendment, having regard to the way that it is drafted, would have on the ability of candidates to self-fund election campaigns, which is effectively donating to themselves or to their political party. Because of that, we will not be supporting this amendment.

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (6.18): The Canberra Liberals will not be supporting this amendment. Donations above a $10,000 threshold are, of course, relatively infrequent, and we already have scrutiny arrangements in place.

Question put:

That the amendment be agreed to.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 2

Noes 19

Ms Le Couteur

Mr Barr

Mrs Kikkert

Mr Rattenbury

Ms Berry

Ms Lawder

Miss C Burch

Ms Lee

Ms J Burch

Ms Orr

Ms Cheyne

Mr Parton

Mr Coe

Mr Pettersson

Mr Gentleman

Mr Ramsay

Mr Gupta

Mr Steel

Mr Hanson

Mr Wall

Mrs Jones

Amendment negatived.

Proposed new clauses 10A and 10B negatived.

Clause 11.

MS LE COUTEUR (Murrumbidgee) (6.23), by leave: I move amendments No 7 and 8 circulated in my name together [see schedule 5 at page 2167]. The first and most important piece of information for members is that I do intend to call for another division. It will be after this part of the debate; then you can go back upstairs and have a cup of coffee!

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