Page 2135 - Week 07 - Thursday, 20 August 2020

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The Assembly voted—

Ayes 2

Noes 19

Ms Le Couteur

Mr Barr

Mrs Kikkert

Mr Rattenbury

Ms Berry

Ms Lawder

Miss C Burch

Ms Lee

Ms J Burch

Ms Orr

Ms Cheyne

Mr Parton

Mr Coe

Mr Pettersson

Mr Gentleman

Mr Ramsay

Mr Gupta

Mr Steel

Mr Hanson

Mr Wall

Mrs Jones

Question resolved in the negative.

Clause 19.

MS LE COUTEUR (Murrumbidgee) (5.42): Members, you will be pleased to know that I do not intend to call any more divisions on this piece of legislation. You will also possibly even be pleased to know that I recommend voting against clauses 19, 20 and 21. I am recommending voting against them because, basically, I believe this clause should be withdrawn because there is a legal technicality in the linkage between the Planning and Development Act and the Tree Protection Act which I have not been able to resolve. That is why I am saying vote against it.

Unfortunately though, the underlying issue here will not go away. Currently a development approval under one act can say yes to a demolition of a registered tree while under another act the tree cannot be removed. The two can be in direct conflict. This situation, to put it mildly, does not inspire community confidence in the tree protection system. The Greens will be looking for ways to address this issue, following the election.

MR PARTON (Brindabella) (5.44): I just want to say that I think it is indicative of the bill as a whole, in terms of the way it has been put together, that we are seeing Ms Le Couteur stand here in the chamber and essentially vote against three clauses that she brought to the chamber because, subsequent to the tabling of the bill, even the Greens have considered that these are not workable as they were drafted. Needless to say, we will not be supporting them.

Clause 19 negatived.

Clause 20 negatived.

Clause 21 negatived.

Clause 22.

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