Page 1981 - Week 07 - Thursday, 13 August 2020

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the strategy includes 74 actions for the ACT government to progress over the next 10 years.

A key action is to dedicate at least 15 per cent of the annual land release target to the provision of community, public and affordable housing. The 2019-20 indicative land release program exceeds this objective by dedicating 18 per cent of dwelling sites to affordable, community and public housing.

The government has also directed significant funding towards helping people who are falling through the gaps and emerging as priority groups at risk of homelessness. The 2018-19 budget included $6.5 million in additional funding to support frontline homelessness services, particularly focusing on women and children escaping domestic and family violence, and older women and asylum seekers. This funding also includes expanding the reach of the ACT’s central intake, OneLink.

Last year I announced a new partnership with CatholicCare and St Vincent de Paul to support 20 individuals with high and complex needs who are sleeping rough into permanent housing. This new program, called Axial Housing, takes a housing first approach, and provides a home to people who are sleeping rough and brings the supports they need to stay housed long term. This program has been expanded in response to COVID-19 and has seen 22 rough sleepers be rapidly rehoused in permanent public housing, with ongoing support to assist them in their new living environment.

Supporting the third goal of the ACT’s housing strategy is the government’s plan for growing and renewing public housing. This plan details how the public housing portfolio will be managed over the next five years. To meet a growing need for social housing in these challenging times, the government has recently expanded its nation-leading investment.

The ACT government is committed to keep renewing and growing public housing with at least 1,260 new homes to be delivered under the expanded plan and an extra 260 homes added to the portfolio for people in need of public housing. The ACT government’s commitment to public housing will see 20 per cent of public housing dwellings renewed over the 10 years, since 2015, with over $1 billion worth of investment.

The fourth goal of the ACT housing strategy, to increase affordable rental housing, has also seen significant progress with the commencement of the land tax exemption pilot scheme last year. Under the scheme, eligible landlords may apply for a land tax exemption when they enter into an agreement with a registered community housing provider to rent their property at 25 per cent less than market value. The government recently committed to expanding this program by allowing more landlords to participate and removing the current time limit.

The government has also partnered with community housing providers to provide more affordable rental housing in a mixed tenure development in Kaleen. CatholicCare will provide tenancy services to 32 of the residents, while 32 are home to public housing tenants. CatholicCare will also provide support and services across

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