Page 1959 - Week 07 - Thursday, 13 August 2020

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MR STEEL: I thank the member for his question. We have done joint announcements with the federal government in relation to the upgrades that we are undertaking jointly with them on the Monaro. This is a project that the ACT government is delivering because it is the states that deliver infrastructure projects. We are glad to have the federal government’s support in funding this important project, as we are doing on a range of other projects around the ACT, including the Mitchell light rail stop—something that we certainly welcome.

MR PARTON: Minister, how many more giant ACT government signs will Canberrans see appear as we head towards 17 October?

MR STEEL: I thank the member for his question and his acknowledgement of the fact that our ACT government has been delivering infrastructure around our city. We on this side of the chamber believe that the community deserve to know what infrastructure is being built in their community.

Waste—Hume clean-up

MISS C BURCH: My question is to the Minister for Transport and Minister for City Services. In 2017 the EPA issued an environmental authorisation to force a company that was stockpiling rubbish in Paspaley Street in Hume to reduce their rubbish within six months. At the time local businesses were assured that the company would be monitored by Access Canberra and the EPA. Those same businesses have contacted us again this week, three years after the supposed intervention by the EPA. Despite this issue being brought to the attention of the waste regulation team in the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate, this site has continued to accumulate unsorted landfill, rubbish and builders’ site waste for more than four years. When will this issue be resolved?

MR STEEL: I thank the member for her question. I was out there recently and saw that site again. I know that Transport Canberra and City Services has been taking quite an active role in enforcement in that matter, and I will seek an update and provide it to the Assembly.

Opposition members interjecting

MADAM SPEAKER: Members, enough interjections.

MISS C BURCH: Why have the EPA and the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate been unable or unwilling to clean this site up?

MR STEEL: I thank the member for the question. We have been undertaking active enforcement in relation to this. I am happy to provide an update. That has been over a number of years and through a variety of ways, including under the Waste Management Act.

Ms Lawder interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Ms Lawder, I will warn you next time you interject.

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