Page 1910 - Week 07 - Thursday, 13 August 2020

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Students from years 7 to 12 already had Chromebooks provided to them by the ACT Government, and this provision was extended to students from year 4 to year 6. The government also provided devices to younger students who needed it, and internet access to families who didn’t have it at home.

Students who were unable to learn from home were able to attend one of the nine safe and supervised sites that were located at schools across Canberra, and all four specialist schools remained available for their students who couldn’t be at home.

While public schools were prepared to deliver remote learning for all of term two, the circumstances of the pandemic in Canberra meant that it was possible to do a staggered return from 18 May 2020 in line with the easing of restrictions. This followed consultation with parent representatives, the Australian Education Union and school leader representatives, and advice from the ACT Chief Health Officer.

This pandemic is not over, and the ACT Government is closely monitoring the situation in Canberra and around the country. Schools learned a lot throughout the period of remote learning, and this puts ACT public education in a strong position to respond however may be necessary into the future.

Planning—Chisholm—petition 9-20

By Ms Berry, Minister for Housing and Suburban Development, dated 5 August 2020, in response to a petition lodged by Mr Wall on 18 June 2020 concerning proposed redevelopment in Durham Place, Chisholm.

The response read as follows:

Dear Mr Duncan

Thank you for your letter of 19 June 2020 about petition No 9-20, lodged by Mr Andrew Wall MLA on behalf of 71 Australian Capital Territory residents.

I understand the petition concerns Housing ACT’s proposed plans to redevelop 2 and 4 Durham Place, Chisholm (Blocks 18 and 19 Section 532). This proposal will see the replacement of the existing three-bedroom dwellings with five two-bedroom Class C adaptable dwellings.

This redevelopment is part of the ACT Government’s ongoing Growing and Renewing Public Housing 2019-24 program, which will see the renewal of more than 1,000 of our older inefficient homes and 200 extra homes built over the five years. This plan aims to improve tenant experience, provide more public housing, and build a progressive and inclusive city that supports vibrant local communities. The aged properties will be replaced with new modern homes that will provide tenants with safe, affordable and appropriate housing options.

The blocks are all located in Residential RZ1 Suburban zone which has, as one of its objectives, the provision to provide for a wide range of affordable and sustainable housing choices that meet changing household and community needs. The Territory Plan also makes provisions for blocks that are used for the

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