Page 1738 - Week 06 - Thursday, 30 July 2020

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MR BARR: Numerous actions. I do not think it would be possible to list them all right now, but I will happily take the question on notice and provide the information to Ms Lawder.

MR WALL: What protocols or safeguards are in place to avoid people’s personal information from being sent over the internet unprotected?

MR BARR: I do not have the technical information in front of me, which I presume is what Mr Wall is looking for. I will take that on notice.

Trade unions—CFMMEU fines

MR WALL: My question is to the Minister for Employment and Workplace Safety. Minister, in a Federal Court judgement handed down on Tuesday, the ACT branch of the CFMMEU and its officials were fined close to $160,000 for unlawfully picketing outside an ACT construction site. Two of the offenders were labelled by the court as acting “as if they were above the law” by a Federal Court judge. These offenders are currently serving roles on at least two government advisory councils, specifically the ACT Work Safety Council and the Secure Local Jobs Code Advisory Council. When will you or the Chief Minister be terminating their appointments to these government boards?

MS ORR: I thank Mr Wall for his question. I will take the question on notice for the substance and seek some advice as to any implications it may have for the appointments. I would note, however, that all appointments go through a rigorous process in being made and that all people appointed to these positions have passed a number of criteria and shown their merit in being selected.

MR WALL: Minister, how can you justify allowing these individuals, who wilfully break federal laws, to serve on government advisory bodies?

MS ORR: I find Mr Wall’s question a bit difficult in the sense that it is quite inflammatory and unreasonable, putting judgement on someone for the work that they do and have been found capable of doing. I will leave it there.

MRS DUNNE: Minister, why do you insist on running a protection racket for recidivist offenders described by the Federal Court as acting as if they were above the law?

MS ORR: I am not running a protection racket.

Children and young people—parental contact

MRS KIKKERT: My question is to the Minister for Children, Youth and Families. On 29 May I emailed you, minister, about a mother who also emailed you at your personal and public inbox. She has been denied seeing her daughter after months and months. Still no action from you, and both mother and daughter have been pleading for contact. On 9 July I emailed you again and I wrote:

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