Page 1548 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 July 2020

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MR RAMSAY (Ginninderra—Attorney-General, Minister for the Arts, Creative Industries and Cultural Events, Minister for Building Quality Improvement, Minister for Business and Regulatory Services and Minister for Seniors and Veterans) (5.06): The government is very happy to support the changes as important practical and transitional ones for this election.

Amendment agreed to.

Proposed new clauses 26A and 26B agreed to.

Clauses 27 to 38 and schedule 1, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Proposed new schedule 2.

MR RAMSAY (Ginninderra—Attorney-General, Minister for the Arts and Cultural Events, Minister for Building Quality Improvement, Minister for Business and Regulatory Services and Minister for Seniors and Veterans) (5.07): I move amendment No 2 circulated in my name, which inserts a new schedule 2 [see schedule 1 at page 1576]. This amendment inserts a new schedule 2, which amends the provisions inserted into the Electoral Act by the COVID-19 bill. These are minor and consequential amendments and straightforward on their face.

Amendment agreed to.

Proposed new schedule 2 agreed to.


MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (5.07): I would like to thank the PCO for their efforts under difficult circumstances and within a very short time frame. I would particularly like to acknowledge Lyndall, Margaret, Mary and Karen. I would also like to thank Janice, as always, for her assistance.

While the Canberra Liberals still hold concerns about allowing enrolment until the close of polling, there are many positive elements to this bill. As I have said previously, we are happy to revisit this legislation, if needed, in light of COVID-19 or any other practical implementation issues that arise. We have appreciated working with the government and the Greens on these issues.

Title agreed to.

Bill, as amended, agreed to.

Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Amendment Bill 2020

Debate resumed from 21 May 2020, on motion by Ms Orr:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

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