Page 1213 - Week 05 - Thursday, 4 June 2020

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recently regarding the effect on the committee’s program of the changes to the Assembly’s amended 2020 sitting program.

The committee draws the attention of the Assembly to a matter which impacts on the committee as a result of the new sitting pattern—the committee’s meeting schedule. As the Assembly is aware, the scrutiny committee meets on the Tuesday before each sitting week and, where two consecutive weeks occur, on the Monday of the second sitting week.

As a result of the amendment to the Assembly’s sitting pattern, the committee will now need to meet more frequently, with less time to prepare and consider its reports. The time allowed under the amended sitting schedule does not allow the committee’s legal advisers adequate time to process, analyse and prepare a report on legislation referred to the committee. This limitation is particularly apparent in the Assembly’s July and August sitting program.

Whilst the committee notes that the amended meeting pattern will be temporary, it emphasises that the program is not suitable for the long-term effectiveness of the scrutiny committee or the scrutiny process.

I seek leave to table a schedule of the committee’s proposed meetings for the period from now until the end of August 2020.

Leave granted.

MRS JONES: I present the following paper:

Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety (Legislative Scrutiny Role)—Revised meeting dates—Remainder of 2020.

Education, Employment and Youth Affairs—Standing Committee

Statement by chair

MR PETTERSSON (Yerrabi) (11.19): Pursuant to standing order 246A, I wish to make a statement on behalf of the Standing Committee on Education, Employment and Youth Affairs. In February 2020 I advised the Assembly that the committee had resolved to conduct an inquiry into youth mental health in the ACT. Since then, and notwithstanding difficulties in light of COVID-19 restrictions, the committee has received submissions from a broad range of interested stakeholders, from individuals with firsthand experience of youth mental illness and local community groups, to peak bodies and national organisations. In addition, the committee has held two virtual public hearings so far.

On behalf of the committee, I want to convey my sincere gratitude to the members of the public who so willingly came forward to share their personal stories with the committee. It is these moving accounts that assist the committee in getting to the heart of issues with the current system and identifying potential areas of improvement.

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