Page 941 - Week 04 - Thursday, 7 May 2020

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COVID-19 surge centre. The centre will be capable of full operations from mid-May. However, it will be activated in a staged approach, with capacity to flex up and down as demand requires. As part of our COVID-19 planning, we have prepared for a surge in cases where infections are increasing to the degree that our hospital system would quickly require additional capacity outside the current ACT hospital system to meet demand.

The COVID-19 surge centre will only become operational if the ACT sees a surge in COVID-19 infections. The facility may also be used for training or simulation exercises to ensure that staff are well prepared in the event of a surge in infections. Plans are in place to ensure that Canberra Health Services and Aspen Medical would be able to quickly deploy a workforce ready to respond to the situation.

The best possible outcome for our community would be that the spread of the virus is controlled to the extent that the facility is not needed at all. As the Chief Minister has said, it is a form of insurance against our health system being overwhelmed. But we have also said from the start that the best outcome for the community will be if that insurance is not called on.

The Garran oval location has been chosen because of its proximity to Canberra Hospital. Should the surge centre be activated, its operations will be integrated with Canberra Hospital to better manage clinical risk. The centre is approximately 1,700 square metres. There will be up to 51 treatment spaces, six of which will have resuscitation and ventilation capabilities. One treatment space is for palliative care. The centre will be removed, and Garran oval remediated, once the public health emergency has passed.

The ACT’s health sector is well prepared to care for patients with COVID-19. The Chief Health Officer has appointed the CEO of Canberra Health Services as the deputy health controller, clinical services, to implement a sector-wide clinical services plan to respond to COVID-19.

The Chief Health Officer has issued specific advice on COVID-19 to ensure that health workers are well prepared and have the information they need to identify and manage any cases of this infection. The government’s priority is to provide appropriate health care to those affected by this disease and to keep all healthcare workers safe. This includes putting procedures in place to protect staff and patients from viruses, including COVID-19.

On 21 April 2020, the national cabinet agreed to an easing of restrictions that had previously been placed on some elective surgeries and procedures. This followed the announcement by the Prime Minister that from 21 March 2020 all elective surgery other than category 1 and urgent category 2 cases would be suspended in both public and private hospital systems. Alongside this measure, the ACT’s public health system temporarily reduced non-urgent and non-essential outpatient and community activity.

These changes were put in place to help to contain the spread of COVID-19, decrease the demand on our health system and protect the supply of personal protective

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