Page 1180 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 May 2020

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The Intermediary Program is able to be accessed by all members of ACT Policing. The Intermediary Program are engaged for specific circumstances and focus on child complainants in sexual offence proceedings and child witnesses in serious violent offences occasioning death. It also allows broader scope for utilisation for witnesses with communication difficulties.

If a police officer identifies an investigation that fall outside of the above parameters, in which a Witness Intermediary may be utilised and be of benefit, there is an ability to consider a referral on a case by case basis.

ACT Policing––domestic and family violence data
(Question No 2983)

Ms Le Couteur asked the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, upon notice, on 3 April 2020:

(1) Can ACT Policing produce regular gender and age disaggregated data about the incidence of domestic and family violence, and sexual violence in the monthly offence data for the crime statistics map.

(2) What is the capacity of ACT Policing to assist with providing real time data including number of family matters reported, number of family violence orders, after hours family violence orders, interim family violence orders issued, number of offences proceeding to court on the incidence of domestic and family violence.

(3) Is there a capacity to collate data between ACT Policing family violence responses, the Courts (in relation to Family Violence Orders), the Domestic Violence Crisis Centre, victim support services, and Legal Aid including the age and gender of complainants.

(4) Is ACT Policing able to provide age and gender disaggregated data about the number of sexual violence matters that proceed from initial “meet and greet” to evidence in chief, to prosecution; if not, why not and when will this become available.

(5) How does the Minister account for the number of family violence offences consistently being lower than the number family violence incidences in the current data that is publicly available (

(6) Are there any additional domestic and family and enhanced safety measures being implemented by ACT Policing during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Mr Gentleman: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

1. ACT Policing has the capability to disaggregate family violence data for gender and age. Data is available in ACT Policing’s case management system, PROMIS. To ensure the identity and protection of the victims this information is not currently included in the current crime statistics map. In order for this data to be included in the monthly crime statistics map careful consideration will need to be given as to the most appropriate format to present this data in order to ensure the victim is unable to be identified. ACT Policing will examine mechanisms to publish regular and disaggregated family violence data having regard to privacy considerations.

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