Page 1049 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 May 2020

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On 15 May 2020 I received correspondence from Minister Stuart Robert outlining the commonwealth government’s intention to delay the commencement of NDIS worker screening for all jurisdictions to 1 February 2021. This is, in part, related to the challenges imposed on jurisdictions by COVID-19 and their subsequent inability to meet the 1 July time frame.

The legislative changes contained in this bill, together with the amendments passed last year, will commence on 1 February 2021. This will ensure consistency for people seeking to work with children or in the NDIS. It will also provide enough time for systems to be put in place to allow for the scheme to operate effectively and efficiently.

I thank all individuals who have been involved in the consultation, development and drafting of this significant and complex bill. I commend the bill to the Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Mrs Kikkert) adjourned to the next sitting.

Standing orders—amendment

MS CHEYNE (Ginninderra) (10.31): I seek leave to move a motion concerning a proposed amendment to standing order 229B.

Leave granted.

MS CHEYNE: I move:

That standing order 229B be amended by omitting the words “When a public meeting or deliberative meeting is being conducted,”.

In relation to the very good amendment allowing committees to conduct their deliberative meetings and their public meetings in a virtual way or via teleconference, by being so specific about this, it looks as though we have the unintended consequence that it does not necessarily include in-camera hearings. Deleting these words will remove any doubt about how these meetings can be conducted. I commend the motion to the Assembly.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Justice and Community Safety—Standing Committee

Scrutiny report 42

MRS JONES (Murrumbidgee) (10.32): I present the following report:

Justice and Community Safety—Standing Committee (Legislative Scrutiny Role)—Scrutiny Report 42, dated 19 May 2020, together with a copy of the extracts of the relevant minutes of proceedings.

I seek leave to make a brief statement.

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