Page 913 - Week 03 - Thursday, 2 April 2020
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(2) Approval of Vacation Childcare Subsidy applications have been delegated to Senior Officer Grade A/B roles (or equivalent) and are managed locally within the respective business areas.
(3) It is not possible to provide an estimate of how many Canberra Health Services (CHS) staff are eligible for a Vacation Childcare Subsidy as it is dependent upon a staff member having their request for annual leave, purchased leave or long service leave over a period of school holidays denied for operational reasons. Only once an application for a provision of leave over a school holiday period has been denied, the employee then becomes eligible for a vacation childcare subsidy payment.
(4) The reimbursement of claims for Vacation Childcare Subsidy are classified by Shared Services Payroll and Finance as a General Reimbursement Claim. This is inclusive of ‘Employee Expense Reimbursements’, ‘Other Entitlements and Benefits’, ‘Workplace Relations Advice and Services’ and ‘Other Non-Payroll Costs’. It is not possible to identify all the Vacation Childcare Subsidy payments without conducting a review of all general reimbursement claim records. Additionally, as requests for Vacation Childcare Subsidies are managed by the respective work area, it is not possible to provide figures for the amount of applications (i) received and (ii) approved.
(5) Vacation Childcare Subsidy payments are classified as ‘General Reimbursement Claims’ (further details provided in response 4) on account of there being no specific payroll codes for this particular type of reimbursement. As such, it has been included in the ‘General Reimbursement Claim’ banner.
(6) Other types of payments that are included in the general reimbursement claim category include, but are not limited to:
• spectacle replacement for prescription lenses
• eye tests
• mediation services
• retirement or redundancy advice
• medical expenses
• relocation expenses
• fitness for duty assessments
• working with vulnerable people checks
• conflict resolution services
• workstation assessment
• employee assistance
• workplace investigation
(7) The below table depicts the total amount of reimbursements made to staff employed in the ACT Health Directorate and CHS under each of the General Reimbursement categories outlined in the response to question (4) for each of the previous five financial years.

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