Page 824 - Week 03 - Thursday, 2 April 2020

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10. As part of the planning for transport infrastructure projects across Canberra, consideration is given to whether dedicated public transport initiatives can be included.

For example, as part of business as usual approach, when a project to improve the road network is being developed, the benefits of providing bus lanes, or bus priority solutions is considered and evaluated, and where benefits are identified, they are included in the project scope and delivered.

Transport Canberra—assaults
(Question No 2886)

Miss C Burch asked the Minister for Transport, upon notice, on 14 February 2020:

Can the Minister provide the number of (a) verbal and (b) physical assaults reported by Transport Canberra bus drivers and transport officers in (i) 2018 and (ii) 2019.

Mr Steel: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

Reported incidents of verbal and physical assaults against Transport Canberra bus drivers and transport officers at Table 1.












Bus Operations provide training that encompasses responses to issues of violence and aggression. It is delivered to new (Bus Driver Training) and existing bus drivers (Driver Continuity Training) as well as field supervisors (Transport Officer Continuity Training) who encounter the travelling public. Training sessions aim to introduce, or reiterate and reinforce, job relevant skills and operational policies, procedures and other standards applicable to their job. Topics include:

Customer service and active listening skills for effective communication with customers, particularly in circumstances where grievance resolution is needed;

Conflict resolution training that emphasises de-escalation skills, strategies, and professional responses by staff rather than emotive responses to difficult customers and situations;

ACT Government Respect, Equity, Diversity Framework for the purpose of acknowledging the diversity of cultures in the community and workplace.

Incident management and responsibilities for effective and supportive responses to accidents and incidents in the workplace.

All vehicles and transport officers are equipped with radios which have a duress function once activated makes a recording and identifies the position of the incident. This enables the Communications Centre operators to dispatch transport officers and if required emergency services. This relates to all operating hours.

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