Page 643 - Week 02 - Thursday, 20 February 2020

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patients but the broader health system when minor cases are dealt with outside our hospitals and closer to people’s homes.

The walk-in centres are now very much part of the ACT healthcare landscape. They provide a useful point of contact for residents evacuated from bushfire areas, those with concern over smoke irritations and many, more recently, over coronavirus. The walk-in centres work very closely with other health services, including emergency departments, radiology services, community-based services such as community nurses or ongoing wound care, GPs and in other health areas that are relevant to the patient.

GPs are sent detailed event summaries after each presentation to ensure that the GP is aware of the presentation symptoms and any treatment that is initiated. The nurses refer patients back to GPs if they identify any longer term issues that are outside the scope of the walk-in centres’ protocols.

I have spoken to numerous constituents in my electorate of Yerrabi that have praised the helpfulness of our centre in Gungahlin. Located only a few hundred metres from the light rail stop and Gungahlin bus interchange, the Gungahlin centre is easily connected to our transport network. This allows all people to access this service and get immediate support. The feedback that I have received from constituents is that the quality and speed of the nurse-led walk-in centre made them a helpful option for health care. Many of these constituents have said that they have enjoyed the convenience of having this service in such proximity to where they live.

On a personal note, my family have visited the Gungahlin nurse-led walk-in centre, and the experience was quick and helpful. Instead of waiting at the hospital for hours, we were quickly able to speak to a health professional and given assistance with the issue.

When discussing the success of these centres, the hard work and commitment of the wonderful nurses must also be mentioned. Their conduct makes a significant contribution to our community, and the ACT government will continue its support for this important profession.

The nurse-led walk-in centres across the ACT have been instrumental in providing immediate health care, and I commend the government’s continuation of this initiative across Canberra in 2020. The introduction is just one of the ways the ACT government is helping to address cost of living pressures by giving people easy free access to health care closer to home. The development of these centres demonstrates that the government is committed to health in the ACT, particularly in our growing communities.

Discussion concluded.

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Appointment of independent reviewer

MR BARR (Kurrajong—Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Social Inclusion and Equality, Minister for Tertiary Education, Minister for Tourism and Special Events and Minister for Trade, Industry and Investment) (3.57): I move:

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