Page 565 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 19 February 2020

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(i) pay the infringement notice penalty;

(ii) dispute liability for the offence;

(iii) apply for an infringement notice management plan or, if the person has an infringement notice management plan, the addition of the infringement notice penalty to the plan;

(iv) apply for waiver of the infringement notice penalty.


Clause 8

Proposed new section 123 (f)

Page 5, line 24—


(f) if the person applies to the administering authority within the 28 days for waiver of the infringement notice penalty for the offence and the application is refused—is payable within 7 days after the day the person is told of the refusal or 28 days after the day the notice was served, whichever is later.


Proposed new clauses 10A and 10B

Page 7, line 3—


10AEffect of payment of infringement notice penalty

Section 125 (1), except note


(1) This section applies—

(a) if—

(i) a person has been served with an infringement notice for an offence; and

(ii) one of the following things happens:

(A) the person pays the infringement notice penalty for the offence in accordance with this part;

(B) the person enters into an infringement notice management plan for the infringement notice penalty for the offence or the penalty is added to the person’s infringement notice management plan;

(C) the administering authority waives the infringement notice penalty for the offence; and

(iii) when the thing happened—

(A) the infringement notice had not been withdrawn; and

(B) a proceeding had not been brought against the person for the offence; or

(b) if—

(i) more than 1 infringement notice for the same infringement notice offence has been served on a person and none of the infringement notices has been withdrawn; and

(ii) one of the following things happens:

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