Page 471 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 19 February 2020

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going to cut. I hope that we will be honest about how they are supporting low-income families in the ACT.

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (11.25): What we have heard from those opposite is that they are proud of the fact that one in 12 households in Canberra are living in poverty. What we have heard from those opposite is that everything is just fine in the ACT and all their policy levers are doing exactly what they are meant to do. We on this side of the house disagree. We on this side of the chamber think that we can and should do better as a jurisdiction. But, of course, those opposite—all 14 of them—are so stubborn that they refuse to accept that there are people in the ACT who are struggling as a result of their policies.

Of course, we saw a desperate attack from the Chief Minister. His vindictive nature was on full display, as it so often is. He blames the commonwealth, he blames the opposition, he blames everyone but himself. We all know what happens when you are on the wrong side of this Chief Minister. We all know what happens to community groups, to people, to businesses, to anyone who disagrees with this Chief Minister.

He went on to tell a pretty significant falsehood regarding our stance on renewable energy. We have a voting record that backs up our stance. We have countless statements that back up our stance regarding our commitment to 100 per cent renewable power. We are also committed to making sure that we deliver that in the most efficient and effective way possible. But the minister for energy has come into this place before and told the Assembly that there are good ways, bad ways and better ways to deliver 100 per cent renewable power. When you look at the subsidies that have been paid over the years, obviously there are better ways and there are worse ways. We on this side of the Assembly unashamedly will always strive for the best deal for taxpayers of the ACT.

We will not buck-pass to the commonwealth at every opportunity. This Chief Minister refuses to take responsibility for his actions. This Chief Minister on one hand grandstands and tells the world about his achievements, but on the other hand every time he comes in here, he says he is powerless and it is the commonwealth’s fault. You cannot have it both ways. You are either responsible and accountable or you are not. He ducks and weaves at every opportunity.

Then, of course, we had Mr Rattenbury’s contribution. He comes in here and rants about the Liberals rather than actually addressing the motion. He comes in here and demonstrates that his ideological hatred for the Liberals is greater than his passion to help those who are doing it tough. He is far more likely to stand up for the Labor Party than he is to stand up for those living in poverty in the ACT. His entire speech was about the Canberra Liberals, as opposed to ideas about how to bring down the cost of living the ACT. It shows how ideologically driven he is against the Liberals rather than trying to achieve some form of social justice.

So many people are being let down by this government. We see it year after year in the ACTCOSS report. Nineteen years of Labor and you look at the situation that we are in as a jurisdiction. It could be so much better. It should be so much better.

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