Page 346 - Week 01 - Thursday, 13 February 2020

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(3) Of the expenditure in parts (1) and (2), what is the breakdown of actual spend on each individual program in (a) Moncrieff, (b) Throsby and (c) Taylor.

(4) What is the total number of staff employed within the Suburban Land Agency to operate the Mingle program and how many staff are employed to operate each individual program in (a) Moncrieff), (b) Throsby and (c) Taylor.

(5) Is there a set date that each individual Mingle program will cease; if yes what is the set date for the individual programs to cease for (a) Moncrieff, (b) Throsby and (c) Taylor.

(6) If there is no set date for individual programs to cease, what is the reasoning behind this decision.

(7) What projects and grants have been delivered by the (a) Moncrieff, (b) Taylor and (c) Throsby, Mingle programs and to what cost.

Ms Berry: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) The actual expenditure for the community development program “Mingle” operated by the Suburban Land Agency in the budget year 2018 19 was $223,775 ex GST. This covers Moncrieff, Throsby, Taylor, Lawson, Wright and Coombs.

(2) The budgeted expenditure for the Mingle program in the 2019-20 year is $756,355 ex GST. This covers Moncrieff, Throsby, Taylor, Lawson, Wright and Coombs.

Total Mingle Budget Expenditure

(Ex GST)










(3) The table below lists the breakdown on each program in Moncrieff, Throsby and Taylor:

Actual Mingle Expenditure

(Ex GST)












(4) Total staff employed to operate the Mingle program is currently equivalent to 4.5 FTEs. Of these, the equivalent of 2.5 FTE staff are employed to operate the program across Moncrieff, Taylor and Throsby. Staff manage the program across the suburbs within a region, rather than being dedicated to a specific suburb.

(5) Each Mingle program has a planned year to transition to the community to self-run. The timing is flexible to ensure that the community is in the best position to achieve self-sustainability.

Moncrieff – estimated to complete in 2021

Taylor – estimated to complete in 2024

Throsby – estimated to complete in 2021-22

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