Page 138 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 12 February 2020

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us to ignore them. Notwithstanding the fact that the minister for regulatory services does not have the authority to direct where parking enforcement occurs, Miss Burch has asked me to organise more stringent parking enforcement.

Mr Coe has asked for this, Mr Hanson has written to me about this, Mrs Jones has written asking for more parking enforcement, Mrs Kikkert has, Mr Wall has three times asked for more parking infringement and Ms Lawder has written to me four times asking for more parking infringement. At the same stage, Miss Burch has also asked for less parking enforcement three times, Mr Coe five times, Mr Hanson three times, Mrs Kikkert once and Mr Wall three times.

It is important that there is a coherent position on this, which clearly the Canberra Liberals do not worry about. That is one of the reasons why they are so clearly unfit to be in government. For community safety, for community certainty in our parking officers, we need to make sure that we check how it is that such a change would occur. On the assumption that Ms Lawder’s amendment is moved, we will not be supporting it. We do commend the motion and Ms Le Couteur’s amendment.

MS LAWDER (Brindabella) (11.28), by leave: I move:

In paragraph (2), before “, and report back to the Assembly by the last sitting day in June 2020”, insert “by instituting a trial immediately”.

I have circulated an amendment to Ms Le Couteur’s amendment, asking the government to implement a trial immediately and report back by June 2020. As earlier flagged, I will not speak any further. I simply move my amendment to Ms Le Couteur’s amendment.

MISS C BURCH (Kurrajong) (11.29): It is very interesting to see Mr Pettersson bringing forward this motion today, because it does seem to contradict the very well-known attitude of this government towards drivers across our city. This is a government that constantly demonises Canberrans who need to use their vehicles. This is a government that is hell-bent on banning cars wherever it can, having advocated for car-free days where it would arbitrarily ban cars to fulfil its virtue-signalling agenda. Minister Steel has also forced more Canberrans into their cars because of the chaos he has created with the bus network.

The feasibility study outlined in Mr Pettersson’s motion implies that this government either has absolutely no intention of ever actually implementing this or this is simply a backbencher who has gone rogue. Either those opposite are scrambling for ideas to disguise their disdain for Canberra drivers or, eight months out from an election, Mr Pettersson has realised just how badly his government is letting down his constituents, quickly throwing together this motion without the support of his frontbench. Mr Ramsay’s response certainly implies that both of these things are correct, with a patronising rebuke of Mr Pettersson for bringing forward this motion in the first place whilst also implying that the government has no intention of ever actually doing this.

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