Page 4917 - Week 13 - Thursday, 28 November 2019

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Approved 11 May 2012.

DA201120564: Lodged 21 October 2011.

Block 21 Section 32 Belconnen.

Proposed mixed use development of 8 and 16 storeys, two levels of basement parking, 184 units, ground floor commercial use, removal of regulated trees.

Approved subject to conditions 11 May 2012.

DA201120677: Lodged 23 September 2011.

Block 16 Section 32 Belconnen.

An additional car park level added and minor amendments to the previously approved DA200915463.

Approved subject to conditions 23 November 2011.

DA201629502: Lodged 21 October 2016.

Block 16 Section 32 Belconnen.

Proposed eight storey mixed use development, 169 units, ground floor commercial, carparking, lease variation to increase maximum GFA for shop and restaurant limited to 1,200sqm.

Approved subject to conditions 4 April 2017.

DA201834240: Lodged 10 September 2018.

Block 16 Section 32 Belconnen.

Proposed two storey commercial building with basement parking, lease variation to permit bulky goods retailing limited to 2,721sqm.

Approved subject to conditions 12 February 2019.

(4) As outlined at point (1), it is understood the lessee of the Belconnen Fresh Food Markets intends to lodge a development application for the redevelopment of the main market buildings before the end of 2019.

Canberra Hospital—infrastructure
(Question No 2806)

Mrs Dunne asked the Minister for Health, upon notice, on 25 October 2019:

(1) What were the outcomes of the stakeholder consultation in July/August 2019 to develop a replacement solution for Building 5 at The Canberra Hospital, in relation to Cabinet Brief July 2019 – Canberra Health Services Infrastructure Project Overview.

(2) What stakeholders were consulted.

(3) What consultation methodology was used.

(4) To what extent did the consultation outcomes inform development of a “more contemporary model of accommodation provision”.

(5) What is the new “more contemporary model of accommodation provision”.

(6) If the new model has not been developed (a) why and (b) when will it be.

(7) What is the estimated cost to implement the new model as to (a) capital costs and (b) recurrent costs.

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