Page 4493 - Week 12 - Thursday, 24 October 2019

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2019-20 (as at 31 August 2019)

a. $40,145

b. Operator – combined with general maintenance

c. Not part of COP

d. $15,833

4) This is yet to be determined.

5) The Territory is not aware of any issues regarding night-time COP users’ safety.

(Question No 2760)

Mrs Kikkert asked the Minister for City Services, upon notice, on 27 September 2019:

(1) How many Transport and City Services staff (full-time equivalent) are employed to maintain tidiness and collect litter on public land.

(2) How often are the following roadside areas inspected and maintained, including collection of litter alongside (a) William Hovell Drive, (b) Belconnen Way and (c) Tuggeranong Parkway.

Mr Steel: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

1) On any given day, the number of staff engaged in litter collection will vary depending on rostering, climatic conditions and work priorities. Staff working on other tasks may also undertake litter picking as well as their assigned task. For example, a mower operator will litter pick before mowing an area and a weed spray operator will remove litter before controlling the weeds under it.

2) a. William Hovell Drive – 4 times per year (January, April, July and October) plus when needed based on requests from the public;

b. Belconnen Way – 4 times a year (January, April, July and October) plus when needed based on requests from the public; and

c. Tuggeranong Parkway – 4 times a year (March, June, September and December) plus when needed based on requests from the public.

The Planned Street Sweeping schedule is available on the TCCS website:

Sport—outdoor fitness equipment
(Question No 2761)

Mrs Kikkert asked the Minister for City Services, upon notice, on 27 September 2019:

What was the total cost of installing outdoor fitness sites located on the roads (a) Beaurepaire Crescent, Holt and (b) Fullston Way, Holt.

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