Page 3942 - Week 11 - Thursday, 26 September 2019

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right to privacy, family and home under section 12 of the Human Rights Act 2004, there must be some real connection between the use of the rented premises and the illegal activity alleged.

It is important to be clear about the policy objective here. As discussed in the 2016 report, this provision is designed to protect the landlord’s ability to re-let the property at the end of the tenancy. It is not intended to allow landlords to re-punish tenants for criminal activity, and it is not sufficient that the premises are merely the scene of the commission of a crime. The amendment is intended to cover illegal use of the property that has a substantial connection with the rented property.

Similarly, the tribunal’s powers to issue payment orders have been expanded so that landlords have a clearer pathway to establishing more stable rental income. Tenants who repeatedly frustrate a landlord’s entitlement to regular, consistent rental income might now find themselves within the scope of the tribunal’s power to make payment orders with respect to future rent.

This bill presents a balanced and considered suite of amendments that will support both tenants and landlords to get better outcomes from tenancy law. Importantly, many of the amendments will promote the rights of tenants and their families to privacy and home in the ACT.

I thank the sector for their very considered views on the proposals and their in-principle support for what we are trying to achieve. I commend the bill to the Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Mr Wall) adjourned to the next sitting.

Electoral Legislation Amendment Bill 2019

Mr Ramsay, pursuant to notice, presented the bill, its explanatory statement and a Human Rights Act compatibility statement.

Title read by Clerk.

MR RAMSAY (Ginninderra—Attorney-General, Minister for the Arts and Cultural Events, Minister for Building Quality Improvement, Minister for Business and Regulatory Services and Minister for Seniors and Veterans) (10.52): I move:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

I am pleased to present the Electoral Amendment Bill 2019. The amendments made by this bill support a robust, fair, transparent, representative electoral system that helps to promote equal opportunity for participation in the territory’s political process. The bill addresses a number of recommendations that were made by the Select Committee on the 2016 ACT Election and the Electoral Act, and progresses amendments identified by the ACT Electoral Commission as being necessary to improve the operation of the legislation. It implements these recommendations to improve the operation of the Electoral Act and support a more robust electoral system.

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